
Everyone will be expected to complete the following REQUIREMENTS, upon which you will be evaluated: 

  • (10%)—Attendance (see rubric below).
  • (36%)—A take-home midterm examination.*
  • (40%)—Eight (8) unannounced, in-class reading quizzes, each worth 5% of your total grade. The readings listed on the syllabus for a given day are the readings that would be the subject of that day’s quiz. At the end of the semester, each student’s lowest quiz grade will be dropped; this is to allow for occasions when a student happens to be out sick on a day when an unannounced quiz takes place.
  • (14%)—There will be 4 “film nights” during the semester. Written responses will be required for any 2 of these 4 films, worth 7% each. Write-ups will be due within 7 days of when the film is scheduled for screening. For example, if the film is scheduled to start at 7:30 p.m. on a Wednesday night, the write-up will be due no later than 7:30 p.m. the following Wednesday.

PLEASE NOTE: We will consider any collection of 4 or more consecutive, unquoted words taken from another source to be plagiarism. Any writing assignment containing any plagiarized content will receive an automatic grade of F.

*LATE SUBMISSION GRADE POLICY: We will be deducting one-third (1/3) of a grade (i.e., ~3 points) for assignments submitted up to 24 hours late, tw0-thirds (2/3) of a grade for submissions up to 48 hours late, and so on. For example, if you turn in an assignment 1 hour after it was due or 23 hours after it was due, you would receive a grade that is 1/3 lower than if you had turned it in on time; this would correspond to a drop from a 93% to a 90%. Alternatively, if you turn in an assignment 30 hours late, your grade would be reduced by 2/3; this would correspond to a drop from an 88% to an 82%.

© David s. Moore, ph.d. & brian Keeley, ph.d. ~ pitzer College ~ 2014