

That is the challenge that we are going to throw. You look at the map of Africa. You know, it is in the form of a question mark. Methodism is on every strategic point. But, do you mean business? Are you willing to get behind this programme of better housing for the missionaries so mosquitoes can't get them? You talk of the doctors and trained nurses that you are going to send, of the industrial and educational plants you are going to put there, and if you do, you are going to do something remarkable. We don't ask you to come and just do, do, do. We want you to come and train us. You of America, black or white, you are the Arabian steads. We want you to stay in the centre point and let us, the draft horses, go into the interior and bring them to the foot of the cross. Give us a chance to help you. At one place in Africa the heathen chief had built up a church and a school, and said to us, 'Bring us a teacher.' They built a church and a school house and said to you, 'Bring us a teacher.' Mass Movement? You haven't seen a mass movement until you touch Africa.

-James Emman Kwegyir Aggrey, "Human Need in Africa", Ilanga lase Natal, February 10, 1922.
