

In long columns in the Indian Opinion (the paper founded by Mahatma Gandhi) Jordan K. Ngubane has ridden full tilt into the African National Congress and its leadership. Chief Luthuli let himself be "used" by the Left in Congress which is "committing him to ridiculous policies so as to make him the laughing stock of the world." Chief Luthuli's reply, now being published in instalments has Ngubane feverishly pelting fresh insinuation, innuendo and threats at Congress. Luthuli's reply was emphantic, spirited, but above all solidly reasoned. He charges Ngubane with an approach to the freedom struggle that is narrow nationalism; with trying to undermine the broad alliance of the Congress movement; and with revealing himself as a mere propagandist for the Liberal Party, concerned with trying to get recruits for his party by falsely vilifying the Congress. This is met with the studied impudence that Luthuli could not possibly have written the reply himself! So Ngubane invents the fiction of the Chief Luthuli he thinks he knows and the "Mr. Luthuli" (who appears between quotation marks throughout the long counter-attack) who Challenges his mischief-making. Jordan Ngubane the African Nationalist has now become Ngubane the Witch-hunter, using all the weapons Minister swart is sharpening in his own anti-Congress armoury.

- Ruth First, "From The Sidelines", Fighting Talk, August 1956.
