

I have become what I am in the world today with the help of Father Huddleston. He gave me my first chance in life after I had completed my studies at St. Peter's Secondary School. Had it not been for his help in fulfilling my life-long ambition of becoming a journalist, I would probably be in a job I did not love or with luck still be at school. It was with his help that, straight from school, I received an appointment with Drum while it was still young and it was possible for those joining it to work themselves up into positions that had never before been held by Non-Europeans in this country. . . It was through his help that many young people were able to go to high school after their primary schooling. And many of these people will hold responsible positions among our people. We who have known him in this respect are going to miss somebody who was like a father to us. We shall miss a man to whom we could confide our dreams with the tiny hope that he might be able to help us achieve part of the dream---and usually he was able to help. He was a resourceful man, who did all in his power to help wherever he thought help was necessary.

- Arthur Maimane "He Gave Me My Mind First Chance", Golden City Post, October 30, 1955.
