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a real freedom FOR ALL, and not for the rich." (How to Secure the Successful Election of the Constituent Assembly, Vol. 14, Part 2, pp. 112-113).
"Hail the freedom of the press!" replied the masses. "All power to the local soviets!"
"In every constitutional country the right to organize demonstrations remains inalienable to the citizens... Any part in a free land has the right to organize demonstrations." (The Sacred and the Entangled, Vol. 14, Part 1, p. 254). "A government aware of the principle that its ENTIRE structure rests upon the will of the majority of the people cannot fear demonstrations previously announced. It will not prohibit them." (Hints p. 255).
"All peaceful manifestations are MERELY political agitations. There must be no forbidding of political agitations, nor should agitation be monopolized. The constitution of a free republic CANNOT forbid peaceful manifestations, or any mass demonstrations of any party or any group." (Contradictory Positions, Vol. 14, Part 1, p. 259). "Hail, Lenin!" replied the masses to this. "Let us go forward in the fight for freedom!"
"The basic rule, the first commandment of any true revolutionary movement, should be: Do not depend upon the 'state'; depend only upon the poer of your class", spoke Lenin to the workers, "no 'state' is able to be of help to the worker in the villages, to the agricultural workers, the daily worker or to the poorest peasant, to the semi-proletarian, IF THEY ARE UNABLE TO HELP THEMSELVES." (The Necessity to Organize a Union of Rural Workers in Russia, Vol. 14, Part 1, pp. 290-1). "Verily, verily!" shouted the workers in reply.
"All the land of the landlords must be confiscated. Nationalizations of all the land in the country and the management of the same must be given to the local soviets of the Deputies of the agricultural workers and peasants." (Vol. 14, Part 1, pp. 17-18).
"The objective difficulty of socialism is intimately bound up with small-husbandry. We do not even pretend to subject it to expropriation or regulation, in fact not even to control." (The Destruction and the Proletarian Fight Against It, Vol. 14 , Part 1,p. 243). And peasant howled in reply. "That's the idea! Truthfully stated!"
"Fear not the initiative and self-expression of the masses; have confidence in their revolutionary organizations, and you will see in all departments of the state functions the same power, greatness, and determination for the workers and peasants which they had demonstrated in their united efforts against Komiloffchina."
Lenin did not fear such initiative and self-expression of the masses because they led him to power. And, indeed, supported by all the toilers of Russia, he finally came to power. Using