feeling. Friends! But he who has them: doesn't become weak? This advantage: doesn't imply the need to share with another one's own ideas and of giving them at the same time heart, life and spirit? A man so, strong and sincere like Ibsen does not conceive frienship any other way.
This concept of the friendly feeling, kept by the playwright comes to confirm the esscence of that other phrase, that entails a whole theory, put in the dialogue of one of the characters of "An Enemy of the People": "the man that lives most isolated, is the most powerful".
-Here is a list of Ibsens main works: "Catalina" (1848); "The Alliance of the Youth" (1869); "The Columns of Society" [1877]; "The Ghosts" (1879); "An enemy of the People" [1882]; "The Wild Duck" (1884); "Romers-Holm" (1886); "The Lady of the Sea" (1888); "Hedda Gabler"; "The Little Egolf"; "Solness the Constructor"; "Brand"; "Jahon Gabriel"; "Borkman"; "Emperor Juliano"; "AA Doll's House"; "Emperor and Galileo"; "The Love Comedy"; "When we awake amogn the dead", etc.