

Your leader of July 9, 1918, entitled "Native Unrest," affords wretched reading to such as are endowed with two eyes, and a moderate brain. With your permission I shall endeavour to analyse your gospel, as expounded in the extracts selected below for review. I trust that you will give this letter as much prominence as that you accorded the article to which this is intended as a reply. . . Lastly, all your references to the Natives stamp you as a rank negrophobist, who through the loss of an eye must ever fall to see clearly, that the "nigger," you so often vilify and damn, is---nine times out of ten---the dog, that toils to win you bread. I have whipped you severely with the object---set out in the quotation standing at the head of this communication, viz: of calling a halt on your negrophobist tendencies. Thus far you have---as an Editor---shown your very worst journalistic qualities. Return to reason, and give us now your best. Cease from alienating yourself from yonder "nigger". This is not the only page. The next may perhaps find you or your posterity, in adverse circumstances, wherein that "nigger" may peradventure render you inestimable aid---even as did the insignificant mouse (in a fable) to the omnipotent lion. Teafold wise is he, who out of various elements is able to erect---for the Kingdom of Use---a structure harmonious from base to apex. Tenfold foolish is he, who does the reverse.

- Robert Grendon, "Native Unrest: Hear The Other Side", Ilanga lase Natal,October 18, 1918. (The object of Robert Grendon's intellectual attack was the Editor Lake Chrissie Chronicle, who upon refusing to publish it, it was submitted to Ilanga lase Natal).
