

The Head Committee is looking for suitable Headquarters of the Congress in Johannesburg. We want to open the African Congress Workmen;s Club for the benefit of all African workers in the city. The members of this club will be able to get supplies in groceries and the like, from the Congress Supply Stores throughout the whole of South Africa. It is now the intention of the African National Congress to look after the interests of its workers and not to leave this class of work to any other organisation as we did before. The African National Congress is going to keep into close touch with the employers of African labour in every walk of life and to form its own expert Department of Labour in order to protect the interests of the African workers and of the African producers, in every town throughout South Africa.

- T.D. Mweli Skota, "A Plea for Branch Organisation and Regeistration", Umteteli wa Bantu, February 4, 1933. (Written together with Pixley ka Isaka Seme and Hally G. Plaatje).
