Everyone will be expected to complete the following REQUIREMENTS

  • Reading assignments: If everyone does all of the reading in advance, our classes will operate at a significantly higher level, and will therefore be much more interesting. I recommend completing the assigned reading prior to each class. In all cases, if you look at the title of the chapter that’s assigned for a specific week, you should be able to tell which class it corresponds to, and you should read that chapter prior to class.
  • Participate in psychology experiments at the Claremont Colleges, preferably Pitzer College. This is just a very important experience for all Psychology students to have.
  • (15%) Class attendance and participation. Come to class and share your questions and thoughts! If your time zone or living circumstances make it difficult for you to be with us in real-time with a web-cam on, just let me know in an email or during a meeting with me in my Zoom office; I promise I can accommodate you. All classes will be recorded for later viewing. But everyone who can join us in real-time should do that. Everyone will get more out of the class if you show up, ready to listen, ask questions, and grow!
  • (36%) Weekly quizzes. 
  • (24%) Midterm exam. SCHEDULED FOR Thursday, October 8.
  • (25%) Final exam. BOTH SECTIONS: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1 AT 2:00 PM*
    • Students in Section 2 who cannot make this exam time should let me know ASAP.


Due to the number of students taking this course, I am not able to offer any extra credit assignments. Points are earned ONLY by completing the requirements listed above.


Examinations/quizzes are used to assess your mastery of the subject matter. Obviously, cheating gives you an advantage over your peers that is not at all fair.

Cheating on examinations/quizzes includes:

  • Obtaining questions that will be asked on an exam/quiz in advance of an exam/quiz.
  • Providing questions that will be asked on an exam/quiz to other students prior to an exam/quiz.
  • Taking, or trying to take, an exam/quiz for someone else.
  • Allowing someone to take an exam/quiz in your place.
  • Using/referring to unauthorized notes, study aids, or other texts during an exam/quiz.
  • Using your cell phone or other device to store or receive information, and referring to this information during an exam/quiz.
  • Conferring with classmates during an exam/quiz, whether in the classroom or while a take-home exam/quiz is in progress.
  • Accessing the work of classmates during an exam/quiz.
  • Allowing a classmate to access your work.

Any student caught cheating will be subject to the Academic Dishonesty protocol as outlined in the Pitzer College Student Handbook. I also reserve the right to assess a grade of F for any exam/quiz on which a student is caught cheating. Please do yourself and me the courtesy of not putting either of us in this awkward situation.

*All of the quizzes and exams will include material from both the textbook and class lectures. When studying for the quizzes and exams, please remember that all material in the course is fair game, so it is to your advantage to study everything. Having said that, material that is covered both in the textbook AND discussed in class is more likely to appear on an exam than is material covered in only one or the other. In addition, the midterm exam will be given during the class period on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8 and you will have the entire class period to complete the exam (75 minutes). The final exam will be given on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1 AT 2:00 PM PT and you will have 3 hours to complete it.

© DAVID S. MOORE, PH.D. ~ PITZER COLLEGE ~ 2015 - 2020