Course Requirements

Do all the reading. Required books are available at Huntley Bookstore (other than Moore, 2015, which will be available by mid-February). Other readings are available on Sakai. Please make sure to have the readings in hand during class, so that we can reference them.

Participation. We expect you to be in class. When you're not, please email us with an explanation. You should read the required material before each class. Please be prepared to ask intelligent questions about that reading. We will frequently ask you direct questions about the reading. This class is not a spectator sport. Come prepared to play.

Papers. There will be two papers: a mid-term and a final. We will provide a list of possible topics for the first paper; you will develop your own topic, in consultation with us, for the final paper.

To conclude...Your questions, comments, and answers in class reflect your engagement with the reading. Come to class with your books, readings, notes, and thoughts prepared to speak. Class attendance is expected. Please document unavoidable absences. Please come to class on time.

Grading. Grades will be based on class participation (33%) and two papers (66%). Class participation includes in-class discussion, online discussion, class presentations, quizzes, reading summaries, etc.

© David S. Moore, Ph.D. & Andre Wakefield, Ph.D. ~ Pitzer College ~ 2015-2020