In a 3-5 pages, typed and double-spaced paper, discuss and compare
at least three of the films you saw in this class thus far. Please
focus on analysis rather than reportage, and support your first-hand
observations with additional research in historical and theoretical
areas. The readings are a good place to start, and you are encouraged
to also look at secondary sources. Ideas from written responses and class discussions
can also be incorporated into your paper.
For the second paper, please discuss the depiction of Asian American
communities in the films we have seen. Write a comparative analysis
on how there communities are portrayed: What are their characteristics?
Who are the members of these communities? What spaces do they exist in? And how do these portrayals
relate to the social and political conditions of the time when the
said films were produced, e.g. the relationship between 1960s-70s
political activism in the United States and the Asian American communities portrayed
in HOMECOMING GAME? In your discussion, also consider the different
filmic languages used—musical, documentary, narrative, etc.,
and how their usage affects our perceptions of these communities?
Your grade will be based on your understanding of both the form,
content, and contexts of these films, your ability to support your
arguments and observations with research in historical facts and
theoretical discussions, as well as your writing and analytical
skills. When formulating your argument, your written responses may provide good starting points. You are, of course, encouraged to incorporate your own opinions
into the discussion. Explain how your views correspond to and differ
from the ideas expressed in films and in the class readings.
Please turn the paper in on time, and please follow the
format I outlined: papers that are too long or too short,
late papers, hand-written papers, etc. will lower your grade.
Include a bibliography (required) and footnotes (if appropriate)
as well as a filmography (required) for the films you cited in your
Be specific: cite reading sources, use footnotes,
and use actual scenes and other direct references from the films
to support your argument.
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