Produce a 5 minute recording that responds to the various issues of
the soundscape and the production of sound raised by Lefebvre, Schafer,
and Taussig to present in class. Recording should not only map specific
social spaces, public or private, but also demonstrate the way acoustics
define that space.
Write a 3-5 page paper (typed and double-spaced) that narrates your
process developing the recording in relation to the reading. Please
focus on analysis rather than reportage, and support your first-hand
observations with additional research in historical and theoretical
areas. The readings are a good place to start, and you are encouraged
to also look at secondary sources. Ideas from class discussions can
also be incorporated into your paper.
Your grade will be based on your understanding of the concept of soundscape,
and your ability to related these theories to elements in your recording.
Your speaking, writing and analytical skills will also figure into
my assessment. You are, of course, encouraged to incorporate your
own opinions into the discussion. Explain how your views correspond
to and differ from the ideas expressed in films and in the class readings.
Please turn the assignment in on time, and please follow the
format I outlined: I accept the following formats for your
recording: Mini DV or CD. Papers that are too long or too short, late
papers, hand-written papers, etc. will lower your grade.
Include a bibliography (required) and footnotes (if appropriate)
as well as a discography for an any audio works you cited in your
Be specific: cite reading sources and use footnotes.
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