In a 3 page essay, take an argument or thesis you heard at the PerpiTube Symposium, connect it to an idea or theory you have studied thus far in class to create your own thesis. In the following paragraphs, use class readings, discussions both in class and at the Symposium, videos you saw in class or at the Symposium to create a series of secondary arguments to support your thesis. Your essay should contain the following components:
- Introduction with a thesis statement. First, state the argument or thesis you heard at the Symposium and identify its source (e.g. Media Studies professor Alexandra Juhasz made the argument at the PerpiTube Symposium that YouTube is a new, chaotic, yet trully democractic platform for media production, distribution and consumption) Second, connect it an idea or theory from class (e.g. In her discussion of the history of documentary video in the U.S., Deirdre Boyle used the term "radical pluralism" to describe the first generation of videos produced outside of the dominant media of Hollywood film studios and network television.) And then state your own thesis (e.g. Looking at and comparing the moment of emergence for these two media platforms, I argue that when independent media movements emerge, they are necessarily countercultural and grassroots in their genesis.) Follow your thesis with a few sentences that outline the supporting arguments you will develop in the following paragraphs.
- Supporting paragraphs - in the following 2-3 paragraphs, present the evidence, facts, theories and analysis to support your thesis argument. Use examples of film and videos we have viewed in class thus far and/or from the Symposium to support your argument. You are required to include at least one example from class and at least one example from the Symposium in your discussion, but you can include more. Describe, reflect upon, and analyze these media examples. Use your findings to support your argument. Be specific – include correct titles, dates of production, and names of directors; (if available) describe specific scenes, characters, or other formal elements in your discussion.
- Include historical information, theories, and other critical frameworks from class readings and the PerpiTube blog to help support and develop your argument. Reference these discussions and debates in the construction of your own argument. If you are not sure how to do that, look at how the authors we read (e.g. Lee, Ferguson) reference other scholarship and sources in their articles. All reference, quotes and sources must have proper citation—use a standard citation format, such as the Chicago Manual or MLA-style. See A Writer’s Reference or another style manual, available at the Writing Center and all campus libraries, for specifics.
- Conclusion - this is where you wrap up your discussion, reconsider your thesis, and end your essay with other conclusive statements.
All papers have to be typed and double-spaced. Please use fonts that are 12 to 10 points in size. The document should have 1 inch margins on the sides, and 1-0.5 inch margins on the top and bottom. Other than material from the Perpitube blog and site, outside sources and references are not required for this assignment, but you may use them.
Please hand in the assignment via email. All assignments should be in MS Word format (with a ".doc" or ".docx" suffix) Assignments are due by 5PM the day of the deadline, please make sure your email includes a day/time stamp.
All class videos are available for viewing on my shelf at Pitzer Audio Visual Services (McConnell Center 100, M-F 9:00am-9:00pm). Remember, these videos must remain within A/V Services at all times, and you cannot remove them from the premises, so give yourself enough time to view the tape. There are viewing stations within the facilities for this purpose.
All PerpiTube videos can be viewed on YouTube
Your grade will be based on your ability to present and support your argument. In addition, your description and analysis of media examples, as well as your use of readings and other sources to support your thesis will also be considered in my assessment. Write simply and clearly. Look up unclear words before you use them. Spell-check, proof read and edit your paper more than once before handing it in, I highly recommend you bring the paper in to the Writing Center and get a tutor's feedback on it.
Please turn the paper in on time, and follow the
format I outlined: papers that are too long or too short,
late papers, hand-written papers, etc. will lower your grade.
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