Welcome to the Claremont Infant Study Center (AKA BabyLab)!

Claremont Infant Study Center

Pitzer College

1050 North Mills Avenue

Claremont, CA 91711


Questions? Please email us at babylab@pitzer.edu

The Claremont Infant Study Center conducted research to study and explore the ways babies from birth to 11 months of age perceive and learn from the world around them.

The BabyLab was directed by Dr. David S. Moore, who earned his Ph.D. at Harvard University and has studied infant development for 35 years. He is currently a Professor of Psychology at Pitzer College. To read more about Dr. Moore and the rest of our research team, please take a look at Our Team page.

Given that we are no longer collecting data in the BabyLab, we are no longer recruiting infants and no longer seeking student Research Assistants. We would like to thank the parents and infants who participated in our research studies, and the students who volunteered to work in the BabyLab. Without participants and volunteers, we would not have been a productive research lab; we are grateful for your support over the years!

© Claremont Infant Study Center ~ 2015 - 2022