Write a short essay discussing the different film clips shown in class. Discuss at least TWO of the clips shown. Contextualize these clips within your understanding of the history of film sound. Consider the different models of understanding this history proposed by Altman, Lastra, Gomery, and others. Also bring in your knowledge of the development of sound technology in film, as well as the social, economical, cultural, and political contexts that influenced its development.
I suggest you create an outline with your main arguments and observations in class, then revise and add footnotes or citations afterwards. You can discuss the clips separately (provide clearly demarcated sections if you choose this approach) or in a comparative analysis. Your paper should be 3-5 pages in length, typed and double-spaced. Please submit your papers to me via email, as MS Word attachments (as ".doc" or ".docx" files) by 5PM on the due date.
Please focus on analysis rather than reportage, and support your
first-hand observations with additional research in historical and
theoretical areas. The readings are a good place to start, and you
can bring in relevant secondary sources, but they are not required. Ideas from class
discussions can also be incorporated into your paper.
Your grade will be based on your understanding of the different historical frameworks we study in class. Your ability
to support your arguments and observations with knowledge and understanding in historical
context and theoretical debates, as well as your writing
and analytical skills will also figure into my assessment. You are,
of course, encouraged to incorporate your own ideas and formulations into the
your paper. Explain how your views correspond to and differ from
the ideas expressed in films and in the class readings.
Please turn the paper in on time, and please follow the
format I outlined: papers that are too long or too short,
late papers, hand-written papers, etc. will lower your grade.
Include citation or footnotes (I suggest either the Chicago or MLA styles) with your paper.
Be specific: cite reading sources, use footnotes,
and use actual references from the films to support your argument.
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