Myth(s) of Creation, the first in Ma’s Xin Lu
project, is a conceptual road movie that not only travels between
cities and countries, but language and identities as well. This
experimental video combines diary accounts of family trips to China,
Europe, and the U.S. with excerpts from travel writing, testimonies
of political exiles and refugees, and quotes from theoretical discussions
on nomadic subject positions. Home movies, travel footage, and stylized
performances done “on-the-road” are combined into a
poetic flow of images. Through a discursive essay of sound, text,
and images, Ma and his family assume and discard the identities
of tourist, traveler, foreign investor, immigrant, refugee, illegal
alien, exile. The romanticism in travel writing is juxtaposed against
the harsh realities of political exiles and refugees. While post-modern
theorists postulate a de-territorialized nomadic subjectivity, recent
immigrants stubbornly hold on to their ideas of nationality.
Recent socio-political changes loom behind Ma’s exploration
of his relationship to his family and the Chinese Diaspora. The
turn-over of Hong Kong in 1997 from British to Chinese rule becomes
a focal point in a process that includes large-scale emigration,
mass demonstrations around the June 4th Massacre, the depletion
of European and American capital and the influx of Chinese investment.
De-colonization, cultural hybridity, and displacement of populations
are some of the issues highlighted by Hong Kong’s current
predicament, and echoed in Ma’s journey. In his attempt to
map a history of modern migratory existence, he does not privilege
one line of thought over the other: there is no main road in this
video, but many divergent paths that endlessly intersect with each
other. The viewer can choose one or more of these to follow, but
as Lao Tzu, one of the writers quoted in the video, wrote, “One
who excels in traveling leaves no wheel tracks.”
Read more on Xin Lu Project