Assistant Professor, Media Studies Program
Tel: (909) 607-4319, Fax: (909) 621-8481,
Pitzer College / 1050 N. Mills Avenue / Claremont, CA 91711-6101


Creative Projects:
As you all know, there are no hard-and-fast rules to grading creative projects, and parts of the grading process will be unavoidably subjective. This is only meant to be a guideline to the different considerations in my grading process. If you have any questions about the grade you received, come and talk to me!

Things I consider when grading videos and other creative projects:
Punctuality - was the project handed in on time?
Premises - How well did the student follow the requirements of the assignment?
Concept - the originality, innovation, and creativity of the subject matter and approach. Does the project say something new about its subject?

Execution - How well did the student realize their concept? Was the idea developed further in the process?
Technical ability - did the project meet the technical requirements of the assignment?

Things I consider when grading papers:
Punctuality - was the paper handed in on time?
Premises - How well did the student follow the topic and other requirements of the assignment?
Research and analysis - how well did the student understand the subject at hand? Was she/he able to:
-Comprehend the approach and methodology of the media maker?
-Is he/she able to contextualize his/her observations with historical and/or theoretical information?

Innovation - Does the paper say something new about its subject?
Writing - How well the student express her/his ideas in the paper? Was the paper well written in terms of grammar and spelling?

Letter grade to points scale:



, exceed the expectation of the project. Project demonstrated exceptional concept and realization, is well executed, and turned in on time.

89-90 GOOD

79-70 FAIR, project met requirements of assignment.

69-60 UNSATISFACTORY, project lacking one or several of the criteria listed above.

F 59-below POOR, failing in most of the criteria or not turning in an assignment.

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