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Linus Yamane's Homepage


On Economists







World population growth rates increased from 1800 to 1960, and have been declining for the past 60 years. My research is currently on the effect of declining population growth rates on long run macroeconomic performance. In the past I have done some work on Asian Americans and labor market discrimination, unions, Japan, and Brazil.


“Japan's Economic Policy," Minohara, T. ed., Handbook of Japanese Foreign Relations and Policies during the 2010s, MHM Limited, forthcoming 2024.


Statistics for Economists, World Scientific Press, 2024.


“Bias in the Academy: Counting Coauthors,” Inside Higher Ed, December 12, 2019.


“Biracial Asian and White: Demographic and Labor Market Status”, Theoretical and Applied Economics, Winter 2018, pp. 47-62.

“Asian Americans, Glass Ceilings, and Ph.D.s,” Asian American Policy Review, 2012.


“Labor Market Discrimination: Vietnamese Immigrants,” Journal of Southeast Asian American Education & Advancement, Vol. 7, 2012.


“Model Minority,” The Other Side, Spring 2006.


“Brazilian Americans at Pitzer,” Participant, Spring 2006.


“Native Born Filipina/o Americans and Labor Market Discrimination,” Feminist Economics, July 2002.


“The Importance of Diversity: The City of Claremont,” The Other Side, April 2000.


“Racial chasm exists on police, judicial issues,” Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, December 12, 1999, op-ed article.


“The Insider-Outsider Model and Japanese Labor Unions,” Japan and the World Economy, Spring 1998.


"Juglar Cycle," in D. Glaser, ed., Business Cycles and Depressions, Garland Publishing, 1997.


"Kitchin Cycle," in D. Glaser, ed., Business Cycles and Depressions, Garland Publishing, 1997.


"Unions and the Persistence of Shocks to Employment," Journal of Macroeconomics, Fall 1993.


“Where are You From?,” Participant – The Magazine of Pitzer College, Spring 1992.


"Why Do People Make Fun of Economists?," The Other Side, February 1992.


“Everyone Can Learn,” The Other Side, December 1990.


"Relative Price Changes and the Real Distribution of Income: The Case of Brazil," Economics Letters, February 1986.


"Biracial Asian Americans: Demographic and Labor Market Status”, June 2015, mimeo.


"The Labor Market Experience of Vietnamese and East European Immigrants”, June 2011, mimeo.


" Asian Americans, Glass Ceilings, and PhDs”, March 2007, mimeo.


"The Labor Market Status of Foreign Born Vietnamese Americans”, August 2001, mimeo.


"Racial Discrimination: Worker Perceptions and Statistical Measures", September 2000, mimeo.